Mixed modal verbs exercises pdf
Mixed modal verbs exercises pdf

ir a la escuela mañana porque es feriado. Michelle want to participate in the festival - it seems like the type of thing she'd be interested in. exercise 2: fill in can, could, have to, must, might or should exercise 3: drag and drop exercise with can, could, may, might, should and would.

mixed modal verbs exercises pdf

More than one correct answer is possible. Quiz Lesson 10: Modal Verbs for Deduction Exercise 1 Complete the blanks with must, can’t, or might: 1. The negative of shall is shall not or the contraction shan’t. It is different than will in that it is used to express an order or prophecy. Here is a list of the modal auxiliary verbs: Shall: Shall is to express a future action.

mixed modal verbs exercises pdf

These verbs indicate modality, ability, need, possibility, obligation or permission.Ĭhoose the most appropriate modal verb from the table below and use in present tense to complete the Spanish modal verbs exercise 1. A modal auxiliary verb is used to modify the mood of a verb. Spanish Modal verbs ( verbos modales en español) express the speaker’s feeling towards an action.

Mixed modal verbs exercises pdf